So today, summer began--the grand kids are out of school for their first full day and they spent it with me! We took the greyhounds Ace and Dottie for a walk, ate Popsicles, harvested leaves from the "Magic Tree," (a catulpa), made a tent with sheets, water colored and played in the dirt (dug by the hounds.) Actually the kids did most of these activities--except for walking the hounds. I thought that might end badly if the hounds decided to chase a squirrel!
Miss Mallory the cat came outside for a rare view of the world and she decided to play and roll in the dirt too!! Yay for me! Shiann and I tried to pat her clean and puff her clean but to no avail!! So to the tub she went, yes the tub. The last time I tried to scrub a cat, I was 4 and was almost clawed to death. I also at the same age, out of curiosity, put a clothespin on a cat's tail, but that's another story....So needless to say I was a little worried, but she was fairly cooperative. Shiann helped me dry her and Miss Mallory is no worse for the wear.
Now we wait for Mama and Poppy to come home so we can all go out to eat and then to Drew's (age 8) first ever baseball game.
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